Nelli rooms
Via Veneto
A12: Genova - La Spezia
A15: Parma - La Spezia
- Via Giosuè Carducci for 2.7 km
Turn towards
Via Vittorio Veneto
La Spezia Centrale
Station -
2.4 km away to reach the structure,
passing through the streets of
the city center
Nelli rooms
Via Biassa
A12: Genova - La Spezia
A15: Parma - La Spezia
- Via Giosuè Carducci for 2.7 km
- Prendi Viale Italia e Viale Amendola. Svolta in via Biassa
La Spezia Centrale
Station -
1.5 km di distanza
to reach the structure,
passing through the streets of the city center
Nelli rooms
Via Veneto
A12: Genova - La Spezia
A15: Parma - La Spezia
- Via Giosuè Carducci for 2.7 km
Turn towards
Via Vittorio Veneto
La Spezia Centrale
Station -
2.4 km away
to reach the structure,
passing through the streets of the city center